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15 Seconds Most Effective for Online Video Ads

ComScore have said it. IAB have said it. 15 seconds is KING.

IAB, Interactive Advertising Bureau, Video Advertising, Video Marketing, Create video ad, Create video ads online

Last week in the blog article ‘5 steps to cut down your 60 second TV ad’ we saw that ComScore recommend cutting down your TV ad to 15 seconds to maximize its effectiveness online.

In the IAB Digital Video Ad Effectiveness Case Study (2008) a comparison was done of 5, 15 and 30 second online video ads. 5 second ads were said to have the weakest level of breakthrough and were most difficult to understand. Meanwhile 30 second ads were said to be the most persuasive of all three, have the highest likelihood of being shared online and allow the communication of emotional benefits/more complex messages. It was noted that video ads of this duration aren’t that effective for pre-roll and work best in user-initiated placements.

15 second ads were deemed to have the highest level of engagement, be the easiest understood, have the highest brand association and be the most efficient in terms of cost vs. creative results. They were also credited to be the most effective for pre-roll.

Instagram’s 15 second addition

Only a month after the launch of video for Instagram and twice as many top 100 brands use instagram video as they do Vine. Vine allows users to create 6 second videos, a new format in itself, but judging by the lack of uptake by top advertisers, 6 seconds just isn’t enough time to convey a clear message. As was suggested by IAB’s study, this short format may work for very simple communication strategies or also could be suitable for sequencing.

In short, 15 seconds is the best choice for both an effective & efficient online video ad but if you are looking to convey more complex messages or emotions in your video, best go with 30 seconds.


Create Video ad, Create Ads online, Video Advertising, Video Marketing, ViddyAd

The Changing Video Ad Landscape and Social Networking

Several of the major social networks have now embraced video in one form or another. Twitter has Vine which offers 6-second video posting, Instagram just recently began offering 15-second video capabilities, Facebook is working on video ads (said to be delayed until autumn) but allows videos from sites like YouTube to be embedded and played in a post which can be useful for brands. What does it all mean for you SMB’s who are currently advertising or thinking about using online video advertising?

Super-Short Video Marketing Potential

With Vine and Instagram now offering video options, though Vine is a short 6 seconds, this gives SMBs a fast, trendy way to show off some inventory or get the brand out into the wild. According to Statistics Brain, Twitter has over 554 million users and attracts 190 million of them each month. With the Wall Street Journal stating that Instagram has 90 million unique users a month. However, that’s not the true power of Instagram anymore. Instead it’s the added benefit of  sharing those videos on Facebook, where they will play right on the page, and to Twitter as well, where they’ll be posted as link.

Some businesses might not see the value in making these extremely short videos. Sure, the quality might not be all it can be and the time limits are tough to work with, but if you can master telling a story or making some amazing videos with these apps it will really help you to connect with the younger audience, who are the whole new generation of potential customers just waiting to be tapped.

B2B is EZ2

LinkedIn is one of the most successful and useful social business networking sites on the planet. They’ve also seen the value of video, not only on profile pages but for advertising purposes, and have implemented video ads on the site. LinkedIn gives you more control over the ads as you can control costs through pay-per-view or pay-per-click ads which can start and stop almost at will. The added bonus of LinkedIn video ads is that they can also work with YouTube, allowing you to create your videos and post them on your brand’s YouTube channel, subsequently increasing the potential reach of your ad.

[EDITOR: show a LinkedIn video ad unit image from]

You can target your video ads based on:

  • Location
  • Company
  • Job Title
  • School
  • Skills
  • Group
  • Gender
  • Age

At LinkedIn, videos show in a 300×250 ad unit that will fit almost anywhere on LinkedIn. When clicked, the video fills the ad space and plays for up to 30 seconds. When it has finished, it will provide a Call To Action (CTA) to your website or LinkedIn page.

Facebook Video Ads

With the launch of video for Instagram and its integration with Facebook , video ads for Facebook are surely to be launched in the coming months. For now, your best bet for video marketing on Facebook is embedding videos from your YouTube channel, via Instagram or simply uploading them straight to Facebook. Facebook text ads have also gained popularity but with little targeting capabilities, ads may be exposed to users that are not wholly relevant to your business.  With Twitter’s launch of more targeted ads, Facebook are sure to follow suit with video ads and more targeting capabilities.

That’s a Wrap

The biggest change this brings to the video ad landscape is, businesses can directly connect with their customers and potential customers in a far quicker, and less costly way. With specific targeting and clever implementation of these new video tools available, you can finally position your brand in front of the correct audience, very quickly and in a manner that will not be perceived as intrusive, in your face marketing and advertising.  LinkedIn has definitely becoming a great place for marketing B2B and with proper presentation there you could see great results in no time as well. But if you’re looking to rapidly expand your potential customer base, Instagram and Vine embedding to Facebook and Twitter along with a good YouTube presence may be the fastest, cheapest way to do it.

Video ads: Tips and Tricks for SMBs

Video Ads: Tips and Tricks for SMBs

Video ads: Tips and Tricks for SMBs

Video Ads: Tips and Tricks for SMBs

With over 5 million small and medium sized businesses in the USA, competition to be recognized and stand out to consumers is rife. It is of vital importance that SMBs leverage their IT resources to the same extent if not better than their competitors. Here we will list the advantages of using video ads for SMBs and give some tips for content curation and distribution as well as a case study to show how effective video ads can be.

Advantages of using Video Ads

Clicks: Users of social media are 5 times more likely to click on video, if your company has a social media presence, a video ad will be a welcome addition.

Stand out from the crowd: Video ads are a great way of standing out from your competitors, instead of having numerous posts, cut it down and post your video ad.

Networking: Video ads can be shared on social media, add this to your list of sharable content and watch your social media figures rise. Consumers don’t have time to read bundles of text, give them a quick 15 second video ad and they’ll be glad for it.

Brand: Like TV ads, video ads build your brand. Really good ones have the opportunity to go viral, making sure your brand echoes across the web.

SEO: Correctly optimized websites with video are 53 times more likely to appear on the first page of Google.


Content is King
The content you put into your video ad is of the utmost importance, stock images and clips are always good as they are professional and can be used in a variety of mediums; digital signage for events or in store on tablets and screens. Also add some of your own content to put your brand’s stamp on it. Keep in mind you want your video to be shared, so be creative.

Distribution is Queen

  • Share them on social media sites
  • Have your video ad as a pre-roll or post-roll clip
  • Pre-roll ads display your video as an ad break before or during YouTube partner videos.
  • Post-roll ads display your video as an ad after YouTube partner videos.
  • Use them as part of your Google AdWords campaign –

Why do we think it’s so important to have a video ad?

Take a look at these statistics

  • 97% of people first look for products and services on the internet
  • 64% of consumers take action after viewing video ads
  • Customers viewing sites with video are 85% more likely to buy
  • People remember videos 10 times more than text alone
  • Video increases the likelihood of users accessing an advertiser’s website by 6 TIMES

Case study of how the Viddyad tool was used to create and share a video ad

We managed a large marketing conference in Ireland’s National Conference Centre in May 2013. We created a video ad on in minutes and then used this on LinkedIn to promote the event. The event was a sell out. By promoting our event on LinkedIn and online, we were able to specifically target our market – which were professional women.

It was easy to use, very quick to create and now we have a video ad that we can use for other events as we’re able to tweak the text and images if we like easily.

– Vicky Bradshaw, Marketing Manager at Harmonia publishing.

So what are you waiting for – log on and create your ad today at

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